Flag Marshalls

Without Flag Marshals, we can’t go racing!

Marshals are an important part of any event.  They assist in controlling the races and operate the flag points around the track. Admission is free and you get a trackside seat at the action.

So, if you are over 16 and interested in helping, please contact SAFMA (the SA Flag Marshals Association). They provide full training, all equipment, protective clothing and your lunch.

For further details contact:
Tony Fountain 0492988911
Roger Playfair 0414820490
email: southausflagmarshal@gmail.com

(Information correct at August 2016)

The Track Flags
Here is a list of the flags displayed during a race and their meanings. A full copy of the current General Competition Rules can be downloaded from the Motorcycling Australia web site.

National flag dropped or raised. Start
Red flag displayed. Race or practice stopped. Competitors must slow down, not overtake and slowly proceed to the pits or indicated area.
Black flag held stationary and black board with riders number. Competitor with number indicated on black board must stop at the pits on the next lap.
Yellow flag held stationary Danger, drive slowly, overtaking is forbidden.
Yellow flag waved. Immediate danger, slow down, prepare to stop, overtaking forbidden.
Yellow flag with red stripes held stationary. Slippery track (usually an oil spill)
White flag waved. Slow moving intervention vehicle on track.
Blue flag. Overtaking signal warning the competitor is being overtaken by a faster rider.
Green flag waved. Course Clear.
Last lap board The last lap of the race is about to commence
Black and white chequered flag waved. Finish of Race